I Found a Cat

What to Do with Friendly Cats
Take to a shelter or vet clinic to scan for a microchip.
Check all the local pet Lost & Found resources in case it is someone's lost pet.
Take to Bryan Animal Center (if found in Bryan) or Aggieland Humane Society (if found elsewhere in Brazos County) within 3 days. If you care for the cat longer than 3 days, the animal will be considered your pet, and you will be charged a surrender fee at Aggieland Humane Society and need to wait until they have space for intake.
Consider rehoming the cat yourself.
DO NOT take a cat that you cannot pet or pickup to a shelter (pursue TNR instead).
What to Do with Young Kittens

Here are some resources if you determine the kitten should be brought indoors. Six Kitten Rescue takes in orphaned kittens under 8 weeks old and pregnant cats. The shelters are good options for tame cats and kittens over 8 weeks old. In some cases, BCS Spay might be able to help if you are able to foster. Fill out a foster application and send us an email.